What's trending now?
Trends, hashtags, challenges and oddly satisfying videos is the food for a viral success in mobile gaming marketing.
Life of an ad in social media is short. Make it count by hitting the right note at the right time.  Focusing on relevant events around the globe helped us to create numerous videos and static creatives that have caught the attention of mobile game players. Our consciousness responds positively to familiar fact or objects. That's why adding elements that  associate with well known movies, paintings, characters or sayings gives as automotive advantage. Showcased creatives in this section became quickly top spenders on Facebook and Instagram UA campaigns. My role was to keep an eye on the market,  catch potentially interesting and applicable trends, create the concept and supervise  the video production
Client: TiltingPoint
Purpose: Online Commercial
Role: Marketing Strategy, Creative and Art Direction
Elon Musk is buying twitter. The biggest and messiest tech deal ever.
Netflix releases controversial series about Jeffrey Dahmer the notorious serial killer in USA

Netflix releases new season of Stranger Things

Wednesday Adams's  dance goes viral. The new season of Wednesday is coming soon
The United States celebrates Thanksgiving.  The video ad for Narcos Cartel Wars refers to famous Da Vinci painting Last Supper
Halloween season starts.  In a series of video and 2d ads, we refer to famous horror movies. Here is The Shinning. 
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